Energy needed to heat water

Can also computer time (if given power) and cost (if given price of kWh).

We make some assumptions like no loss of energy (so we don't use ambiant air temperature) and no variation of the energy needed to heat by 1°C depending on the current temperature.

For calorie conversion, we use the thermochemical calorie (1 calorie = 4.184 J).
For energy calculation, we use the mean calorie (1% of the amount of energy required to warm one gram of air-free water from 0 to 100 °C at standard atmospheric pressure, 1 calorie = 4.190 J).
Depending on definitions, calorie to joule conversion may typically vary between 4.182 and 4.204 J for 1 cal.



currency units


Energy (including efficiency losses if any):

Time at given power: ( seconds)

Cost: currency units